As the plant money is a very vast platform for making someone's carrier and money too!.This platform is only made for the goodness of common people. We also help everyone to be aware from scams. This is possible only because of it's vast features.


  • Make online money by completing task very genuine method.

    • All details are given on the page. Please visit the page first and then decide to work with us.
    • NOTE : Please follow all steps.

  • Make money by listing your referral link of any app for downloads by becoming partner.

    • How to become a member. This detail is given very briefly on the page Become Member.
    • Become partner for future helps.

  • We provide daily life hacks for free related to money.

    • This section is being very popular nowadays.
    • We help user to earn and to manage those too.
    • We have created a seperate page for money related life hacks.
  • We give very geniune methods to live life for free (no frauds).

    • There is instant reward for user when he/she completes his/her tasks.
    • There is different mode of payouts like Paytm , PhonePe , Google Pay, PayPal, UPI Transfers and more.

  • Get funds by peoples donation for start ups.

    • If you have an Idea for an amazing for start up. We will firstly take your pitch and wil research about your start up that how much efficient it is. Then fund will be raised according to efficiency.
    • We will list your Idea and all details related to it.
    • There is a separate page for this all.

  • Anyone can contact us anytime from contact us page for any type of help.

    • We provide a very reliable and user friendly contact us area.
    • We are at many different social medias and you can contact thrugh there too.

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